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Attila Nagy : Where are good readers?

The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement conducted an international survey in 32 countries of the world, during the time frame 1989-1992, interviewing nearly 200,000 9 and 14 year old pupils on their reading performance. The findings, summarized in three English-language volumes, describe the best readers as follows: they read extensively for pleasure; they have access to family library, school libraries and bookshops; they have family traditions, values and behavior patterns that encourage reading; and they have positive role models from parents, teachers and school management personnel. In some places quoting in detailed data relating to Hungary and the related consequences, Hungarian 14-year-olds are in the first third of the field. The results are better than would be expected in the relationship between television and reading, the access to adequate lighting, reading for entertainment etc. From the survey special emphasis is placed on interpreting the excellent performance of Finnish children.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 94. Number 3-4. 231-252. (1994)

Address for correspondence: Nagy Attila, Országos Széchenyi Könyvtár H–1827 Budapest.

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