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Gisli Thorsteinsson, Tom Page and Miika Lehtonen: Pedagogical dimensions of technology education

This paper discusses the theoretical underpinning and the key characteristics of the development of a pedagogical model entitled „Network oriented study with simulations”. This model supports teaching and learning in technology education particularly in the laboratory setting using a computer-based tool, termed the web-orientation agent (WOA). The aim of this research is to examine the pedagogy of technology education in order to establish a model for such pedagogy such that appropriate tools can be developed and implemented to support it. Additionally, the work reported here, presents preliminary results of the use of the model and the WOA. This is achieved through a case study applied at university level technology education concerning basic electronics technology. The case study demonstrates the application of the pedagogical model combined with the use of the computer and web tools, such as the WOA. In essence, the WOA is a software-based tool, providing a supportive and interactive learning environment that makes use of local applications, in this work, an electronic circuit design and simulation application. The pedagogical model and the WOA are based mainly on the Vygotskian perspective, activity theory in conjunction with technology education learning and assessment models and the constructivist view of teaching, studying and learning. This work has it's foundation on learning psychology and user evaluation of the use of computer-based learning environments. The basic principles of such planning include activity theory in computer-based environments, the theory of internalization, the zone of proximal development, the NeoGalperin model for stage-by-stage formation of mental actions, and the notion of reducing the cognitive load of students. This study describes also the „Network-Based Mental Tools in Technology Education” case research, which made it possible to test the theoretical bases described in this paper. It has yielded valuable information to develop the described pedagogical model further on how study using simulation tools and network applications that support these and how more traditional media can be appropriately organized to be closely linked with modern media to support learning. We introduce some very preliminary research findings with our university level student group (N=9), all males, using qualitative design based action research methods and based on simultaneous video, stimulated recall and group interviews data.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 107. Number 2. 95-109. (2007)

Address for correspondence: Gisli Thorsteinsson, Iceland University of Education, Iceland; Tom Page, Loughborough University, UK; Miika Lehtonen, University of Lapland, Finland

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