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Mária Réthy: Diesterweg, the Teacher of Teachers

The study gives a critical overview of the most important results of the work of Diesterweg (1770-1866); his theories of "Science of Education", the spontaneous activities of pupils and the possibilities of transferring cultural values in harmony with the needs of the development of the child. Diesterweg's system of rules of didactics based on the results of experimental psychology, his efforts for the improvement of the training and in-service education of teachers and the creation of what he called the "Real public elementary school" are also outlined in this paper. Finally, the effects of the great German educator on the theory and practice of Hungarian pedagogy are discussed.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 91. Number 2. 87-103. (1991)

Address for correspondence: Réthy Endréné, ELTE BTK Neveléstudományi Tanszék, H-1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.

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Magyar Tudományos Akadémia