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Terézia Reisz: Regional effects of students' residence on academic achievement

The socio-cultural differences behind the permanent decrease of school knowledge call our attention to the fact that the accumulation of economic and social disadvantages can also be observed regionally with the societal groups that have no chance for mobility. The uneven distribution of school knowledge takes place in typical residential environments. The question of the effectiveness of a school is, therefore, not to be neglected. Regarding the effectiveness of an institution, the status of the village, town or city is crucial. Behind their different levels of infrastructure, labour market situation and available institutions, different financial, social, cultural and institutional investments can be found. An advantaged or disadvantaged situation of a community strongly influences the operational conditions of the institutions of public education as well as the effectiveness of education. The improvement of socio-cultural background and economic activity of the 'chanceless' groups cannot only be achieved by the infrastructure of the place, but also by expanding segments of the labour market. One way to compensate social disadvantages is a development of the institutions of public education, based on regional resources.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 102. Number 4. 475-489. (2002)

Address for correspondence: Reisz Terézia, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Tanárképz Intézet, H­7624 Pécs, Ifjúság 6/B

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