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Lenzen Dieter: Rearing and Educating to Become Europeans

The author, while examining the issue of rearing and educating people to become Europeans, undertakes to contravene statements which have been generally fixed in society. These statements are the following: (1) The current unification movement in Europe is unique throughout history. (2) There are deeply ingrained mental differences among the European nations. (3) The notion of a united Europe has been determined by historical antecedents. (4) The nationalism of Europeans is a phenomenon deeply rooted in history. After refuting these prejudicial statements culture a the author calls the attention to the importance of the aesthetic component in European. Finally, he considers the possibilities of establishing a multicultural disposition. An imprescindible feature of this disposition would be openness. In terms of this openness, the science of education (pedagogy) should renounce its previous aristocratic-academic exclusiveness. Pedagogy should negotiate with the representative of every sector of cultural life how about, „who can contribute to the development of the educational system”.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 96. Number 1. 59-76. (1996)

Address for correspondence: Dieter Lenzen, Freie Universität, Berlin Forschungszentrum Für Historsche Antropologie. Arnimale 10. D–100 Berlin 33. Fax: 49 30 8385295 Tel: 49 30 8385295

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