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Lilla Török, Zsolt Péter Szabó & László Tóth: Academic Self-Handicapping: Theoretical Background, Prevention and Measurement

In our review academic self-handicapping has been discussed. We highlight the most relevant theories with regard to academics and self-handicapping, such as the self-worth theory (Covington és Omelich, 1991) and the Motivation and Engagement Wheel (Martin, 2003). We also touch upon the self-protective role of the belief ’being negatively stereotyped’, that can function as a way of self-handicapping. The study analyses self-handicapping as a means of impression formation that is leading to positive competence judgements (e.g. smart), but its costs are high regarding the judgements of personal characteristics (e.g. lazy). We discuss in detail the role of goal orientations and goal contexts in the process of self-handicapping. Empirical studies show that performance goal orientation and perceived performance goal context promote self-handicapping, while mastery orientation and perceived mastery goal context decrease its occurrence. Self-handicapping negatively influences academic performance/achievement, therefore prevention should be promoted. Finally, we discuss the measurement opportunities, the future directions also the investigational difficulties.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 117. Number 1. 49-72. (2017)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Török Lilla és Tóth László, Testnevelési Egyetem, Pszichológia és Sportpszichológia Tanszék. H–1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 44. - Szabó Zsolt Péter, Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Szociálpszichológia Tanszék. H–1117 Budapest, Páz¬mány Péter sétány, 1/A, 2.67; Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Szociál- és Szervezetpszichológia Tanszék, H– Pécs 7624, Ifjú¬ság u. 6.


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