Karl Neumann: Family education and insitutional children’s education: historical reality and utopian models This article tries to examine several utopian models of education. It starts with the models of the French Revolution and continues to modern socialist theories. The first part reflects on the effects of these utopias on the present day situation, especially in light of the new child and juvenile aid law (KJHG). The second part is a historical overview of the utopian models starting with the ideas of the French Revolution, mentioning the „Political Eco¬nomy” by Rousseau, reflecting on Lepeletier's project of the republican boarding school, mentioning D'Hupay's educational community model, Labène's utopian model of the connection of social and familial education and examining the political effects on educatio¬nal processes. The third part is about the social reality of the institutional education of children, dealing with Ernst-Christian Trapp's ideas about the role of education, compa¬ring it with Schleiermacher's ideas. This part also deals with the early socialists', Julius Fölsing's, the Saint-Simonists', Marx's and Engels' and the Russians' ideas. It examines the former ideas in the GDR. The fourth section investigates the question of the reality and utopia of the family as an „anti-structure” to the society and thus to the basic familial ten¬dency in the history of the education of small children, how society and the needs of the society constructed the educational institutes for children, especially for small children and what is the relationship between these institutions and the families like. The last part men¬tions that children's utopias should also be taken into consideration and it should be ex¬amined how children think about their future. In each section the author made the attempt to connect the historical situation with the current problems concerning the previously two German nations after the unification. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 92. Number 3. 175-192. (1992) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: : Karl Neumann, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Waldweg 26, D-3400 Göttingen |