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Szolár Éva: The educational, social and economical exlusion of the roma population in romania

The lack of education of the Roma population and their marginal position in the educational system seem to be the crucial factors which create and maintain their social exclusion. The causes are numerous: poor economic conditions, forcing Roma children to assist their parents in work from an early age; the lack of motivation and the ignorance of Roma cultural specificity and needs on the part of most educators. This study analyzes the ways in which educational marginality contributes to the reproduction of social and economic exclusion in the case of Roma population living in Bihor County, Romania. Based on original empirical research and an analysis of available relevant data, the paper concludes with practical recommendations aimed at improving the role of educational institutions and practices in empowering the young generation of Roma and in increasing their chances for economic and social integration.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 106. Number 3. 187-213. (2006)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Szolár Éva, Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem, Társadalomtudományi Tanszék, Romania – Oradea, Str. Primariei nr. 27


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia