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Csilla Fedinec: The Public Administration and Educational Administration in Sub-Carpathia Between 1938–1944

The area known by the Russian name of Podkarpatska was arranged by the Hungarian Government numerically into 5 public administration units after its reannexation in 1938–1939. The areas populated by Hungarians (West of the Ungvár (Uzhorod)-Munkács (Munkacsevo)-Nagyszőlős-Técső line) were placed under the authority of the historical counties of Ung, Bereg, Ugocsa and Máramaros, while the Russian populated areas (East of the Ungvár-Munkács-Huszt line) became a special public administration unit under the authority of the Sub-Carpathian Governorship with the prospect of Russian autonomy. The educational administration was also adjusted to this special public administration system. The schools of Ung and Bereg counties came under the educational district of Kassa (Kosice), and the schools of the Ugocsa and Máramaros counties came under the educational district of Szatmárnémeti. In the Governorship area an ethnically based independent Sub-Carpathian educational district was established. This was a unique experimental principle of national minority education.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 96. Number 4. 367-375. (1996)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Fedinec Csilla, The Ukraine, Sub-Carpathia, 295 500 Bátyu, Vasút u. 30.


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia