Developing self-regulated learning

The main aims of the developmental experiment were to map out fifth graders’ developmental level of self-regulated learning, while examining whether learning becomes intentional and self-regulated by means of the development of the appropriate components. We expected that students’ performance and attitudes towards learning will improve as a result of the developmental program. In the long term our major objective is to reduce individual differences in learning and to support integration of disadvantaged pupils.

The developmental program consisted of two parts: training teachers and students’ in-class development. The teachers (N=5) participated in a fifteen-hour-long training course, where they not only got acquainted with the developmental program, but with the components (learning and motivation/affective strategies) and developmental methods for self-regulated learning as well. Five classes in the fifth grade (approx. 130 students) participated in the developmental process. The development began with a pre-assessment and finished with a post-assessment. The students completed a reading comprehension test and a questionnaire developed for the assessment of self-regulated learning. The development was carried out in 2006/2007, in one or two classes a week.

The results of the program are very promising even in this short developmental period. Data gained from the post-assessment showed significant improvement in students’ self-regulated learning.  A positive and significant change could also be observed in most of students’ strategies and motives except one or two learning strategies. The goal of the developmental program is to improve students’ learning skills by integrating the strategies in the teaching-learning process of the given subject, which can be more efficient if the duration of the developmental program is extended. 



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Molnár Éva (2008): Az önszabályozó tanulás elemeinek fejlesztése tantárgyi keretek között 5. évfolyamon. Szimpóziumi előadás. (Gondolkodási képességeket és tanulási módszereket fejlesztő programok kisiskolásoknak) a VIII. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencián, Budapest, 2008. november 13-15. In: Perjés István és Ollé János (szerk.): Hatékony tudomány, pedagógiai kultúra, sikeres iskola − Program és összefoglalók, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Bizottság. 145.

D. Molnár Éva (2010): A tanulással kapcsolatos célok szerepe az önszabályozott tanulásban. Előadás a X. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencián, Budapest, 2010. november 4–6. 205. In: Csíkos Csaba és Kinyó László (szerk.): Új törekvések és lehetőségek a 21. századi neveléstudományokban. Program és összefoglalók. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Bizottsága. 22.


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