Complex problem solving

Complex problem solving has been part of OECD PISA program since 2003. The first assessments in the field in Hungary were conducted by Gyöngyvér Molnár at the turn of the millennium – prior to the PISA program. The Hungarian Educational Longitudinal Program utilizes her instruments. The tests intend to measure how students can transfer and apply their knowledge in new, realistic situations. The complex problem solving tasks span across school subjects and require students to solve problems they have never encountered in the same format before. The most problems in the tests focus on basic knowledge that is essential for all the students, and has already been acquired in the several years of mathematics and science education.
Major publications
Molnár, Gy. (2006): Barriers of knowledge application – 13 and 17-year-old students' complex problem solving competencies. Magyar Pedagógia. 4. sz. 329-344.

Molnár, Gy. (2006): Knowledge transfer and complex problem solving. Mûszaki Kiadó. Budapest, Hungary, 2006 (in Hungarian)

Molnár, Gy., & Csapó, B. (2007): Constructing complex problem solving competency scales by IRT models using data of different age groups. 12th Biennial Conference of EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary,
August 28-September 1, 2007.

Molnár, Gy. (2007): Investigating knowledge application: complex problem solving. In: Bábosik, I. (ed.): Education and personality development. Okker Kiadó, Budapest Hungary, 2007 (in Hungarian)

Molnár, Gy. (2007): A longitudinal study of the problem solving skills of disadvantaged students. Magyar Pedagógia, 2007. 4. sz. 277-293. (in Hungarian)

Molnár, Gy. (2008): Skill development and problem solving thinking. In: Fazekas, K. (ed.): Public education, school based knowledge and success in the labour market. MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, Budapest, Hungary, 2008. 99-112. (in Hungarian)

Molnár, Gy., & Korom, E. (2010): The development of problem solving thinking based on cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Paper presented at the 8th Conference on Educational Evaluation. Szeged, Hungary, 16-17, april, 2010 (in Hungarian)
Measurement points:
Spring, 2006: Sample 1 (grade 11) and sample 2 (grade 7)  
Spring, 2010: Sample 3 (grade 7)