Foreign language

The program investigates text comprehension in English and German. Language skills are measured with tasks based on linguistic meaning that require students to understand the text. The tasks do not measure drilled structures, vocabulary or knowledge about the language, rather realistic language skills applicable in everyday situations. The task content and level of difficulty fits to the language levels, topics, task- and text-types described in the National Core Curriculum (1995, 2003) and the frame curricula (2000). In addition, they correspond to the six level requirement system of the Common European Framework (2002). In terms of this six level system, the level of task difficulty reaches level B1 in case of grade 8 students and B2 in case of grade 12 students. The development of the measures was lead by Marianne Nikolov.
Measurement points:
Autumn, 2006: Sample 1 (grade 12) and sample 2 (grade 8)  
Autumn, 2010: Sample 3 (grade 8)