Gabriella Papp: Children with learning problems: integration in the school and cooperation between experts This paper details the results of a study on the cooperation of teachers, special educators and educational institutions and services in the context of integrated schooling. In order to provide such education, i.e. mainstream education for children with learning problems, teachers have to rely on outside help. Of the educational services, they must be in contact with expert committees on learning ability, rehabilitation, and, to a lesser degree, educational counseling services. Because learning problems may be related to students' socio-cultural background and/or family problems, social intervention has to take place in institutions outside the school environment as well. In this respect, teachers must be in contact with child protection agencies and family counseling centres. As most schools in our study are supervised by their local government, there is a strong relationship with them as well. In the present state of integrated education, the Ministry of Education also plays an outstanding role, providing help in a number of unsettled issues, and relying on exemplary educational methods to promote good integrated education practices. Institutions of higher education also contribute to this through their supervisory and consulting activities. Of the expert cooperative relationships, that of the class teacher and the special educator is of primary importance. The key to integrated education is their mutual, complementary support and their shared responsibility for students. Other supporting experts, such as psychologists, counsellors, developmental experts, social educators and social workers also take part in integrated education. The success of integrated education is not the internal affair of one school, but the result of meaningful cooperation of several educational experts. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 102. Number 2. 159-178. (2002) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Papp Gabriella, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógigai Fiskolai Kar |