Ference Marton: The object of learning This paper discusses the object of learning and different ways of processing the same content, as well as introduces the methods of lesson study, design experiment and learning study. The object of learning is not identical with the contents of learning, since the former includes all that the students must acquire, that they probably can acquire and, furthermore, that they will have acquired by the end of the learning process. The most important differences in teaching can be found not between the methods of organising the learning experience (frontal instruc-tion, groupwork etc.), but within the different modes of organising learning experiences. The paper uses concrete examples of teaching the same content in several different ways to high-light the problem of the invisibility of the pedagogical dimension and offers solutions to it through the lesson study, the design experiment and the learning study. The goal of these methods is to provide opportunity for teachers of the same subject to work with an educa-tional researcher on developing well constructed lesson plans though a process of revisions, which can then serve as reference material and model. The object of learning should be in the focus of the work of teachers as well as that of educational research aiming to help the work of teachers. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 104. Number 4. 381-392. (2004) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Department of Education, University of Göteborg, Box 300: SE–405 30 Göteborg Sweden Svédország |