Tóth, E. &Csapó, B. (2022). Teachers’ beliefs about assessment and accountability. Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability, 34(4), 459-481. (link)
Csapó, B., Fejes J. B., Kinyó, L., & Tóth, E. (2019). Educational achievement in social and international contexts. In Tóth, I. Gy. (Ed.), Hungarian Social Report 2019.(pp. 217–236.) Budapest: Tárki Társadalomkutatási Intézet Zrt.
Hódi, Á., Tóth, E., & B. Németh, M. (2019). A longitudinal analysis of Hungarian elementary school students' reading literacy. In Kovács, K. & Dombi, A. (Eds.) (2019). Education and Training. National and International Tendencies of Education and Training./ Erziehung, Unterricht und Ausbildung. Nationale und Internationale Tendenzen von Erziehung, Unterricht und Ausbildung. (pp. 237–249). Szeged: Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Juhász Gyula Felsőoktatási Kiadó.
Kasik, L., Guti, K., Gál, Z. Csaba, G., Tóth, E., & Fejes, J. B. (2019). Development and psychometric properies of the Avoidance Questionnaire for Adolsescents (AQUA). International Journal of Emotional Education. International Journal of Emotional Education, 10(2), 4–16. (Negative Orientation Qestionnire). Journal of Relationships Research. 9, E8. doi:10.1017/jrr.2018.7
Hódi, Á., B. Németh, M., & Tóth, E. (2017). Text formats in the frameworks and reports of system-level reading assessment programs. Docere, 1(3-4). 26–60.
Tóth, E., & Hódi, Á. (2014). How do Teachers in Different Stages of Formal Education Respond to Accountability Pressure? In Karlovitz J. T. (Ed.), Some Current Issues in Pedagogy (pp. 151–162). Komárno: International Research Institute.
Molnár, P., Tóth, E., Tóth, K., Kárpáti, A. (2011). Networked laptops in Hungarian classrooms - preliminary results of a research initiative. In S. Sotiriou, & A. Szűcs (Eds.), Never Waste a Crisis!: Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning (pp. 53-58). Athens: European Distance and E-Learning Network.
Conference papers
Tóth, E., B. Németh, M., & Hódi, Á. (2021). Hungarian students’ experiences and attitudes towards traditional and COVID-induced digital education. Education and Citizenship: learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, Virtual Meeting, EARLI 2021, Gothenburg.
Hódi, Á. & Tóth, E. (2021). How do text formats and reading processes interact in young learners' reading literacy? Accepting Educational Responsibility. Virtual Annual Meeting, AREA.
Tóth, E. & Hódi, Á. (2021). Exploring the opportunities for the online diagnostic assessment of phonological awareness in an educational context. Accepting Educational Responsibility. Virtual Annual Meeting, AREA.
Hódi, Á. & Tóth E. (2021). Examining the interaction between speech perception and speech comprehension. Accepting Educational Responsibility. Virtual Annual Meeting, AREA.
Ragchaa, J., Tóth, E., & Csapó, B. (2017). Teachers' attitudes towards assessment and how their instructional changes are affected by their perception of stakeholders: the case of Mongolia. In Molnár, G., & Bús, E. (Eds.), PÉK 2016 = [CEA 2016]: XIV. Pedagógiai értékelési Konferencia. Szeged: SZTE BTK Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola. (pp. 52).
Fejes J. B., Tóth, E., Patai, J., & Csapó, B. (2016). Resilience in the Hungarian education system – results of a longitudinal program. In Molnár, G., & Bús, E. (Eds.), PÉK 2016 = [CEA 2016]: XIV. Pedagógiai értékelési Konferencia. Szeged: SZTE BTK Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola. (pp. 57).
Tóth, E., & Hódi, Á. (2015). What Is It in Testing That Pressurizes Teachers?: Results of a Teacher Survey in Hungary. In: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, And Heritage In Education Research And Praxis. Chicago. Washington: American Educational Research Association. (AERA) (pp. 248).
Hódi, Á., B. Németh, M., Korom, E., & Tóth, E. (2015). What Makes a Difference Between Poor and Good Readers?: Environmental and Psychological Factors. In E. A. Kyza (Ed.), 16th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: Book of abstracts. Limassol: Cyprus University of Technology. (EARLI) (pp. 658–659).
Tóth, E., & Hódi, Á. (2014). How Hungarian teachers’ misconceptions may lead to the dysfunction of a national large-scale diagnostic assessment program: the implications of a small-scale inquiry. EARLI SIG 23: 23. Educational Evaluation, Accountability and School Improvement. Bielefield. (pp. 27).
Csapó, B., Tóth, E., & Balázsi Ildikó (2013). The Impact of Early Reading and Mathematics Skills on Later Achievements. In Prenzel, M. (Ed.), "Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning": 15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013. Munich. (pp. 808–809).
Hódi, Á., & Tóth, E. (2013). Analyses for a better understanding of students’ reading achievement along different text formats in a Hungarian context. In Prenzel, M. (Ed.), "Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning": 15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013. Munich. (pp. 853).
Hódi, Á., B. Németh M., Korom E., & Tóth, E. (2013). “Matthew effect” in Hungarian students’ reading achievement in Grades 2, 4, 6 and the predictive validity of school-readiness skillsassessment. In American Educational Research Association - 2013 Annual Meeting (AERA 13): Education and Poverty: Theory, Research, Policy and Praxis. San Francisco. Washington: American Educational Research Association. (AERA). (pp. 1).
Hódi, Á., B. Németh, M., Tóth, E., & Korom, E. (2013). The Impact of Maternal Education and Preschool Education on Hungarian Students Reading Performance. PÉK 2016 = [CEA 2016]: XI. Pedagógiai értékelési Konferencia. Szeged: SZTE BTK Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola. (pp. 111).
Hódi, Á., & Tóth, E. (2013). The interaction between early preschool start and the reading performance of Hungarian students with different socioeconomic backgrounds. University of Pécs Roundtable Conference. In Dombi, J., Horváth, J., Nikolov, M. (Eds.), University of Pécs Round Table: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics Conference. Pécs: University of Pécs.
Hódi, Á., Tóth, E., & D. Molnár, É. (2012). Comparing Hungarian Students’ Reading Development in Continuous and Non-continuous Text Types. In To Know Is Not Enough. Konferencia helye, ideje: Vancouver. Washington: American Educational Research Association (AERA). (pp. 100).
Molnár, P. V., Tóth, E., R. Tóth, K. & Kárpáti, A. (2011). Networked laptops in Hungarian Classrooms preliminary results of a research initiative. Eden Conference. Athen, Greece, October 2011. In Sofoklis Sotiriou (Eds.), Never Waste a Crisis!: Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning. Athens: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN). (pp. 53– 58).
Kasik, L., & Tóth, E. (2011). Cooperation, Competition Behaviorur of Children between 4-18 and Effect Parent Resources on Them. In 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: "Education for a Global Networked Society". Exeter. (EARLI) (pp. 90).
Tóth, E., & Csapó, B. (2011). Comparing Primary and High-School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Testing and Accountability. In 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: "Education for a Global Networked Society". Exeter. (EARLI) (pp. 776-778).
Tóth, E., & Csapó, B. (2011). Teacher's Opinion on Testing and Accountability. Paper. In: Inciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good. New Orleans. Washington: American Educational Research Association. (AERA) (pp. 221).
Molnár, G., R. Tóth, K., & Tóth, E. (2010). Developing online diagnostic assessment – Experiences of a large scale national case study in public education in Hungary. In Paulsen Morten Flate, Szűcs A. (Eds.), User Generated Content Assessment in Learning: enchancing transparency and quality of peer production : emerging educational technologies and digital assessment methods. Budapest: European Distance and E- Learning Network. (EDEN) (pp.186–187).
Tóth, E., & Kasik, L. (2010). Analysis of Social Interest Realisation Behaviour and Parent Resources among Children between 4 and 17 and Their Parents. JURE 2010 Connecting Diverse Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. Frankfurt. (pp. 25)
Nikolov, M., Tóth, E., & Vígh, T. (2009). The impact of background factors on Hungarian students’ achievements on English and German tests. 13th European Conference for the Research on Learning and Instruction. Amsterdam. (EARLI) (pp. 180).