1989-1990 General Director of the Research Institute for Education, Budapest
1978-1986 Scientific Advisor of the National Institute for Educational Technology, Veszprém
1961- 2000 Lecturer, Associate Professor, Full Professor at the Department of Education, Attila József University, Szeged
1954-1961 Interpreter, High School Teacher, Szeged
2003-2006: "Criterion-referenced development of cognitve abilities (grades 5-6)". OTKA T 043480. Project Director.
1999-2002: "Development of critical basic skill (age 4-8)". OTKA T 30489. Project Director.
1995 to present: "Development of cognitive abilities". A research project of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
1989 to present: "Helping Personality Development." Theoretical research to develop a „new" theory of education.
1985 to present: "Diagnosis in Education". A research project investigating learning performance data of Hungarian students with an objective to develop methods and instruments for the diagnosis of problems of learning and the improvement of teaching, Project Director.
1992-1993: "Curriculum Requirements for Compulsory Education." Project Director.
1987-1990: "Articulation of Pre-school with Primary School". Project Coordinator, UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg.
1977-1987: "Structure and Development of Operational Abilities" from early childhood to the end of secondary education. Project Director.
1972-1980: "An Adaptive Intake System from Kindergarten to Primary Schools". Project Director.
1968-1975: "Achievements in Basic Skills and Knowledge of Five Subjects in Compulsory Education". Project Director.
1964-1970: A personal research project investigating the patterns of expansion and structural development of primary and secondary school systems.
1961-1965: Personal research project of methods for teaching foreign language skills.
2000-2004: Co-associate president of the Educational Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
1996-2000: Chairman of the Jury for Evaluation and Granting Research Projects (psychology, philosophy, education, theology).
1992-2002: Director of the PhD program: Development of Cognitive Competence.
1990-1997: Corresponding Editor for The Curriculum Journal, published in The United Kingdom.
1985-1992: Chairman of the Hungarian National Board for selecting and approving educational research grants.
1985-1991: Chairman of the Editorial Board for Személyiségfejlesztés, Akadémiai Kiadó. Project: development of a series of books on personality.
1980-1989: Chairman of The Editorial Board for Pedagógiai Technológia, an educational technology journal published by the Országos Oktatástechnikai Központ.
1994-2000: Member of National Accreditation Board.
1990 to present: Member of the Educational Board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
1996-1998: member of NESA steering committee (Network for Educational Sciences, Amsterdam).
1993-1997: Member of Habilitation Board of JATE University.
1988-1993: Co-president of the Hungarian Educational Research Association.
1983-1990: Member of the Hungarian Postgraduate Degree Granting Board.
1981-1986: Chairman, Hungarian Board for Teacher Education (Ministry of Culture).
1987-1988: Sri Lanka National Institute of Education. UNESCO consultant, twice for a three month period.
1973-1989: UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg. Regular, annual attendance to conferences. Member and director of several research projects, periodic meetings one week to three months.
1971-1972: International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. Ten month internship.