Institute of Education

Curriculum vitae

Krisztián Józsa


  • Habilitation in Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2013
  • Ph.D. in Education, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 2003
    Advisor: Prof. Nagy, József
    Title of the dissertation: The development of mastery motivation and its relationship to basic cognitive skills in children aged 4 to 16
  • M.Ed. Assessment in Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2000
  • M.Sc. Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, 1996


  • Affiliate Associate Professor, School of Education, Colorado State University, 2013–
  • Fulbright Scholar, School of Education, & Department of Human Development and Families Studies, Colorado State University, 2012–2013 (7 months)
  • Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Institute of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary, 2007–
  • Research fellow, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (part time), 2008–2012
  • Assistant professor, Department of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2001–2007
  • Junior research fellow, Research Group on Ability Development, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1999–2001
  • Physics and mathematics teacher, Bolyai János Gimnázium (academic high school), Kecskemét, Hungary (part time), 1997–1998
  • Junior research fellow, Physics Education, Department of Experimental Physics, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary (part time), 1996–1999
  • Teaching assistant, Department of Education, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, 1995–1996


  • Member of Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) 2016–
  • Member of International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), 2016–
  • Member of International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI), 2016–
  • Member of European Educational Research Association (EERA) 2016–
  • Associate Editor of the Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2016–
  • Founding Member of MTA-SZTE Music Education Research Group, University of Szeged, 2016–
  • Founding Member of Finding Out Children’s Unique Skills (FOCUS) Research Group, Colorado State University, 2014–
  • President-elect of Hungarian Reading Association (HRA), 2008–2009
  • Member of International Literacy Association (ILA), 2008–2014
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of Iskolakultúra Online, 2007–2011
  • Member of Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, 2005–
  • Secretary of Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, 2005–2012
  • Member of Society of Bolyai János Fellowship, 2004–
  • Member of Center for Research on Learning and Instruction, University of Szeged, 2003–
  • Member of Educational Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2002–
  • Member of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), special interest group: Motivation and Emotion; Special Educational Needs, 1999–
  • Member of Research Group on the Development of Competencies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1999–
  • Member of the Society of Pro Scientia Gold Medalists, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1997–

GRANTS (as PI or Co-PI)

  • 2017–2021 The Role of Mastery Motivation and Executive Functions in School Performance (sponsored by Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office, NKFI K124839, PI: Krisztián Józsa)
  • 2016–2017 Creation of an Android app for a Tablet-based Assessment of School Readiness (sponsored by CSU Ventures, PI: Karen Barrett)
  • 2016–2020 Music intervention programs for elementary school children (sponsored by Hungarian Academy of Sciences, PI: Janurik, Márta)
  • 2014–2015 Computer-Based Motivation Assessment for the Transition to School (sponsored by CSU Ventures, PI: George Morgan)
  • 2011–2017 Criterion-referenced ability development between the ages 4–12 (sponsored by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 83850, PI: Krisztián Józsa)
  • 2007–2011 Criterion-referenced education (sponsored by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K68798, PI: Krisztián Józsa)
  • 2007–2012 Development of cognitive skills and motivation among children with learning disabilities (sponsored by Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University, PI: Krisztián Józsa)
  • 2004–2005 Improvement trainings for disadvantaged children in preschool (sponsored by OM #KFK-04-003, Hungarian Ministry of Education, PI: Krisztián Józsa)
  • 2003–2006 Content based criterion-referenced education (sponsored by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA T043480, PI: Krisztián Józsa)


  • 2015–2018 Bolyai János Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (36 months)
  • 2015 Campus Hungary Higher Education Staff Long Term Mobility (3 months)
  • 2012–2013 Fulbright Research Grant, School of Education, & Department of Human Development and Families Studies, Colorado State University (5 months)
  • 2004–2007 Bolyai János Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (36 months)
  • 2000–2001 AMFK (Hungarian Ministry of Education) Pre-doctoral scholarship (12 months)


  • 2016–2017 International Presidential Fellow, Colorado State University (excellent international research)
  • 2016 Award of “The Best Study in Education” Hungarian Educational Research Association (Co-author: Kis, Noémi)
  • 2012 Award of “The Best Study in Education” Hungarian Educational Research Association (Co-author: Janurik, Márta)
  • 2008 Award of Young Researchers in 2007, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1997 Pro Scientia Gold Medal (Award for outstanding science achievement of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to MA students)
  • 1997 1st Prize, 14th OTDK Conference (National Student Scholar Conference, Hungary). Hungarian Doctoral Council, Paper presented: Survey of factors influencing the choice of science related careers in high school seniors


  • Board Member of the 40th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 40), Szeged, 2016.
  • Board Member of the 15th Hungarian Conference on Educational Sciences, Budapest, 2015.
  • Board Member of the 14th Hungarian Conference on Educational Sciences, Debrecen, 2014.
  • Conference President of 11th Conference on Educational Assessment – CEA 2013, Szeged, 2013.
  • Board Member of 10th Conference on Educational Assessment – CEA 2012, Szeged, 2012.
  • Board Member of 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction – EARLI 2007, Budapest, 2007.
  • Board Member of the International Conference on Science Education for the 21st Century, Szeged, 1999.


  • Hungarian (native)
  • English (advanced)
  • Russian (intermediate)
  • German (basic)