2020- : Associate professor, Institute of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2012-2020: Assistant professor, Institute of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2007-2012 Lecturer, Institute of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2007-2013 Industrial, Service Vocational and Primary School of Szeged, Szeged-Móravárosi, Szeged, Hungary, Teacher of German as a second language, Special Educational Needs Teacher
2018 Habilitation in Education, University of Szeged
2009 PhD in Education, University of Szeged
2004-2007 PhD student, Graduate School of Educational Sciences, University of Szeged
2007 B.Ed. Elementary Education, Hungarian language and literature, Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty, University of Szeged
2004 MA in Education, University of Szeged
2002 MA in German Studies, University of Szeged
Higher Certificate in School Management, Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty, University of Szeged
2000 B.Ed. Elementary Education, German as a Second Language and Education, Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty, University of Szeged
1995 High-school graduation, Széchenyi István High School, specialisation in Pedagogy
English: intermediate
German: advanced
2019-2020 ÚNKP-19-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology
2018-2019 ÚNKP-18-4 New National Excellence Program of the Human Capacities
2017-2020 János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2008-2009 Deák Ferenc Fellowship of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hungary
2004-2007 PhD scholarship of the Graduate School of Educational Sciences, University of Szeged
2007 National Association of PhD-students, Publication award in social sciences, 2nd place for the article: B. Németh, M. & Habók, A. (2006): A 13 és 17 éves tanulók viszonya a tanuláshoz. [13 and 17 year old students’ relationship with learning.] Magyar Pedagógia. [Hungarian Pedagogy] 2: 83-105.