Csapó, Benő: A kombinatív képesség struktúrája és fejlődése [Structure and Development of Combinative Ability]. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1988.




Introduction 7
1. Preliminaries and problems 11
1.1 The concept of combinativity in psychology 11
1.2 The Piaget school 14
1.3 Examinations relating to combinative operations 20
1.4 Problems of combinative type in some Hungarian educational psychological research 22
2. Theoretical background 25
2.1 General conception of combinative ability 25
2.2 Hypothetical system of combinative ability 29
3. Instruments of the examinations 35
3.1 Basic principles of test development 35
3.2 Manipulative tasks 40
3.3 Figural tasks 41
3.4 Formal tasks 42
3.5 Reliability and validity of tests 43
4. Empirical research 49
4.1 Administration of tests and data sheets 49
4.2 Data processing 53
5. Manipulative content 59
5.1 Achievements in manipulative tasks 59
5.2 Developmental processes in manipulative tasks 63
5.3 Results in manipulative subtests 68
5.4 Examination of relationships of manipulative achievements 69
5.5 Summary of manipulative achievements 79
6. Figural content 83
6.1 Achievements in figural tasks 83
6.2 Developmental processes in figural tasks 87
6.3 Results in figural subtests 91
6.4 Examination of relationships of figural achievements 94
6.5 Summary of figural achievements 100
7. Formal content 103
7.1 Achievements in formal tasks 103
7.2 Developmental processes in formal tasks 107
7.3 Results in formal subtests 111
7.4 Examination of relationships of formal achievements 114
7.5 Summary of formal achievements 120
8. Combinative operational ability as a whole 123
8.1 Structure of operational ability 132
8.2 Development of combinative ability 132
8.3 Interaction between content and structure 126
9. Factors influencing the development of combinative ability 149
9.1 Possibilities of statistical analysis of factors influencing development 149
9.2 Systematizing and logical ability 149
9.3 School achievements and social background 150
9.4 Total impact of independent variables 154
References 161
List of figures 169
List of tables 170
List of abbreviations 171
Appendix 173
Manipulative tests 174
Figural tests 183
Formal tests 196