CEA 2024 - invoice request

We must issue an invoice for each participant, so please fill in the form by all means.

The invoice issuer (University of Szeged) will send the invoice electronically to the provided email address with a payment deadline of 15 days.

When transmitting the registration fee, we kindly ask you to indicate the invoice number in the comment field.

Payer of the invoice
If you are paying as an individual, please enter 0 (zero) here.
Registration fee

For presenters, authors or discussants of symposia: € 150 (Total amount)

For undergraduate and graduate students (Bachelor, Master or Doctoral level) if they participate as presenters or authors: € 125 (Total amount)

This registration fee includes (1) on-site participation, (2) the book of abstracts (electronic version), (3) lunch, coffee and refreshments between the sessions and (4) a reception.

For those participants who do not present and are not authors or discussants: € 50 (Total amount) (full conference); € 25 (Total amount) (daily ticket)

This reduced fee includes participation at the professional programs, as well as coffee, refreshment and tiny bits during breaks. It does not include the conference package and attendance at the reception.

Payment deadline: 25th March 2024