!!!!!!!!Acceptance notifications were sent by February 26, 2016.
You can find the reviewers’ comments and scores at the end of the submission notification e-mails and it is also available on the conference website. In case of more than one authors only the first author received automatic notification about the results so we would like to ask you to inform the co-author(s) about the outcome, too.
!!!!!!!!The reviewing of the submitted abstracts is in process.
The deadline of application for submitting abstracts is over, but the registration for participants is open until March 4. The reviewing of the submitted abstracts in is process, we are going to inform the authors by February 26.
!!!!!!!!The submission deadline is extended
Dear Colleague,
We have extended the submission deadline! To submit your proposals is possible until February 9, midnight, through the conference website (http://www.edu.u-szeged.hu/pek2016/?lang=en).
We are looking forward to your submission, and please, call the attention of your colleagues and students for our now deadline!
!!!!!!!!Registration and the uploadig of the proposals has opened
Dear Collegues,
the registration for the 14th Conference on Educational Assessment has opened! The uploading of the proposals is available between 10th January and 7th February.
!!!!!!!!Registration opens soon!
Dear Colleague,
the registration and submission of proposals for the 14th Conference on Educational Assessment will start on January 10th, 2016 and will be closed on February 7th. You can find more information about the submission by the Informations option.