Heinz-Elmar Tenorth: Praise of Craft, Critique of Theory – on the State of Pedagogical Historiography in Germany The author reviews the state of pedagogical historiography in Germany. He discusses the formation and development of this new discipline and the criticisms this research has been receiving. He gives an analysis of the Kuhnian paradigms that led to the birth of pedagogical historiography, that is, intellectual history, social history and comparative history. The author points out the limits of these paradigms, too - from the „outside” they offer a theory but, from the „inside”, they fail to provide historically relevant theories for pedagogical practice and reflection. Transcending these limits, the author articulates the necessity of a theory that can grasp the nature of the phenomenon of education itself systematically, thus giving an appropriate approach to the analysis of the past and present of pedagogy. This desirable approach should thematise ideas, practice and the political role of pedagogy at the same time, while uniting this with a systematic analysis of the structure of modern societies. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 97. Number 2. 111-125. (1997) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Heinz-Elmar Tenorth, Istitute für Allgemeine Pädagogik, Humbold Universität, Unter den Linden 6. 10099 Berlin |