Éva Molnár: Self-regulatory learning: International research trends and tendencies Recently, the study of self-regulatory learning has been given increasing attention. It is regarded as a synonym of successful and efficient learning. Several trends have appeared, which deal in greater detail with individual components of self-regulatory learning. These include, among others, studies concentrating on cognitive processes, research into the self and into motivational components, and theoretical approaches to socio-cognitive components. All these research areas, models and theoretical approaches list the different elements and mechanisms of self-regulatory learning, but all of them share some basic presuppositions. One of these is the presupposition of an active learner, who is constructive in their own learning process. Another presupposition is that of the potential for control, which ensures that learners are able to monitor and control their own learning activities. The next presupposition is that of goal, criterion or standard, which determine the learning process and the modifications during this process. The fourth presupposition of the regulatory activity is the role of so-called mediators between the learner and the expectations of the environment, the current activity and the desired state. Taking these presuppositions into consideration, self-regulatory learning is an active and constructive process, during which learners verbalize their learning goals and then try to monitor and control their cognitive activities, their motivation and behaviour, in harmony with external expectations and possibilities. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 102. Number 1. 63-77. (2002) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Molnár Éva, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Pedagógiai Tanszék, H6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt. 30-34. |