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János Géczi: The pedagogical conference at Balatonfüred in 1956: its antecedents and afterlife in the pedagogical press

After long professional preparations supervised by the union and the communist party, a conference was held at Balatonfüred in the fall of 1956 for educational officials and experts believing in Socialist ideals. At the time, there was only scant information on the meeting in the professional periodicals. Following the revolution, at the beginning of 1957, the meeting of radical representatives of Hungarian pedagogy was initially seen as a display of democratic endeavors. Later on, however, after the uprising was denounced as a counter-revolution, it was branded as an antecedent to the events. By 1958, the final verdict was passed in the journal Pedagógiai Szemle [Pedagogical Review], claiming that the conference was a concerted attack against Socialist pedagogy. This study presents and evaluates articles published at the time in Hungarian pedagogical periodicals.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 105. Number 3. 241-261. (2005)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Géczi János, H-8200 Veszprém, Ostromlépcső u. 5.


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia