Scientific Programme Committee
- Csapó, Benő (University of Szeged, Founder of the Conference)
- Józsa, Krisztián (University of Szeged)
- Kasik, László (University of Szeged)
- Korom, Erzsébet (University of Szeged)
- Molnár, Edit Katalin (University of Szeged)
- Vidákovich, Tibor (University of Szeged)
- Fejes, József Balázs (University of Szeged, Chair of the Conference)
- Pásztor-Kovács, Anita (University of Szeged, Secretary of the Conference)
Organizing Committee
- Betyár, Gábor
- Halof, Ferenc
- Kléner, Judit
- Molnár, Katalin
- Mesterháziné Túri, Diána

Cooperation with the Journal of Intelligence
In cooperation with the Journal of Intelligence, a special issue will be edited by Professor Gyöngyvér Molnár in the field of "Learning and Instruction". Authors of outstanding presentations at the Conference of Educational Assessment will be requested to contribute to this special issue. Details of the special issue are available here.
2022-04-20 18:08:10
Deadline extended
The deadline for proposal submission has been extended till Monday, 24 January, 24:00 CET.
2022-01-15 08:18:29