András Németh: Trends of international scientific development and reception in Hungarian educational encyclopaedias of the early 20th century The study presents an analysis of the two most significant Hungarian pedagogical encyclopaedias of the first half of the century in order to explore contemporary trends of international orientation and the main trends of scientific communication in Hungarian educational science. The Encyclopaedia of Primary Public Education (1911-1915) and the Hungarian Pedagogical Encyclopaedia (1933-1935) provide a basis for identifying the main characteristics of the Hungarian reception of scientific reflection and internationally established modes of inquiry. The questions investigated to determine the relationship of Hungarian educational science to the international context in the period examined concern (1) the degree to which Hungarian educational science joined the major international developmental trends; (2) the coverage of the full spectrum of this development; and (3) the trends of international scientific development reflected in the Hungarian encyclopaedias as most accepted. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 100. Number 2. 187-207. (2000) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Tanárképző Főiskolai Kar, H-1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27. E-mail: nemetha@gandalf.elte.hu |