Mária Hercz: The role of an educational component in school evaluation: how 12-to 13-year-olds think about their schools This paper examines one component of school evaluation, the assessment of the educational efforts targeting students' whole personality. The research reported here aimed at (1) mapping 12 to 13 year old students' thinking, especially their attachment to their classmates and schools as well as attitudes to learning, (2) giving an internal evaluation of the educational programs of schools and (3) outlining a process oriented school evaluation model. The following questions were posed: Do children like to go to school? Why? What can schools do to change the situation? How do children see their school? What do they consider to be its greatest advantages and problems? How do they relate to their class? What motivates them to learn? Are they satisfied with their academic achievement? The sample was comprised of 978 students from Fejér county, Hungary, studying in schools of different socio-economic composition in settlements of various sizes. It was hypothesised that educational efforts have segments which can be assessed accurately, and the definition of which can inform structured, child-centred education. The evaluation 12- and 13-year-olds give can reflect the educational influences they have been exposed to at school. The paper outlines the conceptual and methodological framework of the research. The presentation and discussion of the results is complemented with suggestions regarding the developmental tasks schools should undertake and the outlines of a possible model of process oriented educational efforts. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 103. Number 1. 57-80. (2003) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Hercz Mária, Kodolányi János Főiskola H8000 Székesfehérvár, Irányi Dániel u. 4. |