Alisa Tóth, Andrea Kárpáti & Gyöngyvér Molnár: Perception and Interpretation of Color Among 7–13-year-old Children: Structure and Factors Affecting Development Color perception and communication through colors constitute an integral part of daily life. However, research on the development of color perception and interpretation skills and about factors influencing their development seems to be scarce. The aim of this study is, using research results, to validate a four-dimensional theoretical model of color perception and interpretation, to describe the development of this ability, and to map factors influencing the developmental process. The data collection was carried out with the participation of 7087, 2nd and 7th grade students. The reliability of the test which consisted of 103 items was appropriate both for grade 2 (Cronbach’s α=0,85), and grade 7 (α=0,92). Construct validity analysis confirmed that the structure of color perception and interpretation defined by the four hypothesized components: color sensitivity, color and shape recognition, color memory, and color and meaning are indeed strongly related, but they are not substitutable subskills. Further analysis revealed a significant difference among the levels of development among boys’ and girls’ color perception and interpretation levels in favor of girls in both grades. None of the background variables revealed a remarkable influence on the development of the examined structure. 15% of variance explained in grade 2, and 34% in grade 7. Overall, research findings discussed in this study support that the test items developed for online assessment of color perception and interpretation are feasible to apply in early school stages. Development of this assessment tool is important, as it makes it possible for teachers to monitor the subskills of the visual skills framework in educational contexts and provides immediate, cost-efficient feedback to support continuous, data-based development. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 121. Number 4. 311-342. (2021) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Tóth Alisa, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Pedagógiai Kar. H–2750 Nagykőrös, Hősök tere 5.; MTA-SZTE Digitális Tanulási Technológiák Kutatócsoport. H–6722 Szeged, Petőfi Sándor sgt. 32–34. |