Csilla Meleg: School-based health education: reformulating the task School-based health education can be regarded as successful and efficient if it provides students with a system of tools which they can use effectively to control the quality of their lives. This requires a change in attitudes. It is yet to be elaborated what exactly is meant by the concept of health in present day schools, and what kind of educational methods and system of instruments ought to be used to formulate and reinforce this concept. The formation of the concept of physical and mental health requires the synthesis of research results assessable from the point of view of the health of the future generation. A further task is to transform these concepts of health into pedagogical practice and to organize them into an educational system. The organizing principles of the formation of institutional health behaviour are those educational strategies which contribute to creating the internal control of generations socialized into external control. In school-based health education, this attitude and practice can be matched with reactions to present problems and activities to lay the foundation for the future quality of life. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 102. Number 1. 11-29. (2002) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Meleg Csilla, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Politikatudományi és Társadalomelméleti Tanszék. H7622 Pécs, 48-as tér 1. E-mail: csilla.meleg@ajk.pte.hu |