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Beáta Szenczi: Reading Motivation: Definitions and Trends in Research The paper provides an overview of the Hungarian and international literature on reading motivation with the aim of exploring trends and theories based on which this area may be operationalised. First, the phenomenon of the literacy crisis is explored, and different interpretations of reading motivation are discussed. In line with international trends, my investigation relies strongly on the domain-specific approach to learning motivation that regards reading motivation as a multidimensional construct that comprises all the motives that play a role in the initiation and continuation of the reading activity. Most reading motives derive from those identified within the frameworks of learning motivation theories and are applied to reading, whereas others are specific to the reading activity. First, all reading motives are discussed one by one; then, reading motivation models that incorporate these motives are presented. The relationship between reading motivation and reading skills is discussed in detail with an emphasis on the inconsistency of the results available so far. Finally, an overview of factors that exert influence on the development and activation of reading motives is presented, and the effects of national, community, home and formal pre-school education as well as school contexts are outlined. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 110. Number 2. 119-147. (2010) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Szenczi Beáta, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, BTK, Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola, H–6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt. 30–34. |