Tamás Püski : Secondary school students' career representations in Békés and Mezőberény The present study describes the ideas of secondary school leavers in Mezőberény and Békés (Hungary) about their future vocation. The theoretical review focuses on the concepts of career and success as well as the classification of these concepts. It further reflects on the students' presumable behaviours following the successful final exam. In addition, the presented study defines five separate groups of students based on their value-systems (family, prestige, finances), goals and the supposed means of achieving these goals (relational, cultural and financial capital). Consequently, the aim of the study is to outline a new theory of classification of students' ideas about professional career supported by classic literature, based on the answers of 148 secondary school students of the two towns in the study. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 108. Number 1. 53-69. (2008) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Püski Tamás, H–5630 Békés, Hajnal u. 8. |