Márta Janurik : THE EXPERIENCE OF FLOW IN SCHOOL SINGING LESSONS Early experiences of students may determine their attitude to classical music through their whole life. The aim of the present work is to study the subjective experiences of the Hungarian students in music classes. To what extent are flow, apathy, boredom and distress present? What is students’ attitude to classical music? Do they listen to classical music outside school? The Flow questionnaire developed by Attila Oláh and his colleagues was used for data collection, measuring flow, apathy, boredom and distress in music, mathematics and literature classes. The sample was comprised of N=230 students from elementary and secondary school. Results show that few positive experiences and mostly apathy and boredom characterise music classes. Also, elementary school students find that the greatest distress here. The mean of the flow index for music classes is 2.9 on a five-point scale in both age-groups. The level of boredom and apathy in music classes is higher than that of positive experiences in several classes. The comparison of genders revealed a negative attitude among secondary school boys. The correlations suggest significant relationships between music and literature, as well as between music and mathematics, regarding each variable examined. In the comparison of literature and mathematics we only found a significant relationship between the boredom and apathy. Extracurricular music education has significant correlations with flow in music and literature, the frequency of listening to music, the education level of the mother and the grade point average. The few positive experiences and the great distress, boredom and apathy found in our study indicate that music classes in the school do not fulfil their role. The classical music is inaccessible for a significant proportion of the Hungarian youth. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 107. Number 4. 295-320. (2007) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Janurik Márta, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Zeneművészeti Kar, H–6722 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 79–81. |