Katalin Fehér : Educational theory in Transsylvania at the turn of the 18th and the 19th century The ideas of the European Enlightenment appeared in the sphere of educational theory in Hungary and in Transsylvania too, at the end of the 18th and early in the 19th century. The author in her study gives an analysis of three outstanding works of educational theory from this period. The first is László Teleki's work, which was written in 1796. Its title is: "About the Education". It was not published on account of the rigourous censorship, it is a manuscript. It is based on Locke's and Rousseau's works, and it is about the educational principles of the children of aristocracy. The second work was published in 1802. Peter Hari, the headmaster of the secondary school of a small transylvanian town, Máramarossziget, summarized his principles about education in it. Hari's work is very important, because his progressive principles were realized in his school. The third work was published in 1806, in Nagyvárad, and its author is Farkas Cserey. The title of it is: „The Methods of Education in the Villages”. The first part of the work is entirely philosophical, and is based on Voltaire's, Rousseau's and Hume's philosophy. In the second part of his work Cserey describes the backwardness of educational theory and practice in Transylvania, and summarizes his progressive and valuable proposals. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 93. Number 3-4. 149-160. (1993) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Fehér Katalin, ELTE Tanárképző Főiskolai Kar, Neveléstudományi Tanszék, H–1075 Budapest. Kazinczy u. 23-27. |