Éva Tímár : Learning environment analysis in schools Taking the measuring problems of learning environment as a starting point, this study demonstrates the learning environment characteristics in the schools of different settlements. The author approaches the learning environment from the quality of human relationships and from institutional requirements. The learning environment components derived from the further refinement of the two main dimensionsare as follows: caring, listening, independence, teacher's flexibility, student's flexibility, connection, requirements, rules. Empiric experiences are based on questionnaires carried out with 664 students aged 13 from 34 classes in 13 primary schools in Békés County. The students' perceptions display an average school where definite achievement requirement is combined with keeping the basic norms of social coexistence. Encouraging self-reliance and independent opinions is attained at a high level. Nevertheless, this independence does not concern matters traditionally regarded as the teacher's professional territory. Although the teachers listen to the students' opinions, little intervention is allowed. Schools are characterized by a rather inflexible evaluation method, which does not limit positive interpersonal human relationships. The learning environment in „mini” institutions in villages is different in several respects from that of the town schools or village schools with a great number of students. Caring, listening and student's flexibility are more significant in small schools of intimate atmosphere. On the other hand, teachers give students more right to intervene in towns than in villages. Students' connections are the least in village schools with several parallel classes. Girls' opinions of the learning environment in their schools are somewhat more positive than those of boys. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 94. Number 3-4. 253-274. (1994) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Tímár Éva, Békés Megye Képviselőtes¬tülete Pedagógiai Intézete, H–5600 Békéscsaba, Luther u. 5/b. |