Mihály Kékes Szabó : An organising the framework of teacher training in Kolozsvár The Kolozsvár University, which is considered the legal predecessor of the Szeged University, opened its gate in the autumn of 1872. During its nearly fifty years" continuance, it became the intellectual centre of Transsylvania, and, through its graduates, it became the centre of the spread of erudition, widely known throughout the country. The study presents the organizational framework of university teacher training in Kolozsvár, the educational pursuits of the professors in the teacher training institute, as well as the characteristic features lectures and seminars. As early as at the first faculty meetings, the professors of the faculty of arts, linguistics and history, as well as those of mathematics and natural sciences, insisted on setting up the teacher training institute and, with respect to the lectures and seminars, taking the teacher training factors into consideration. Due to the recognition of teacher training, the professors were appointed and work was commenced on 17th February 1873. In the beginning, the number of students who wanted to take up teaching was low in Kolozsvár, therefore the training was intensive, seminar-like both at the university and in the teacher training institute. Some university professors were secondary school teachers before their nomination, thus they were fully aware of secondary school requirements. Some other professors were possessed of considerable international experiences, expert knowledge and promising talent. The practical attitude of the elderly professors, the professional recognition of the ones belonging to the middle generation and the ambition of the young, gifted teachers resulted a happy combination and complement, which successfully beat off the attacks against the institute. The weakest point of teacher training in Kolozsvár was preparing the students for practice. A great number of teacher trainees took up educational work in the local denominational schools, nevertheless, it did not compensate for the missing teaching practice. In spite of the repeated proposals of the university and the teacher training institute, only in the autumn of 1917 was the practice school opened. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 94. Number 1-2. 81-94. (1994) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Kékes Szabó Mihály, József Attila Tudo¬mányegyetem Pedagógiai Tanszék, H–6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt. 30-34 |