Katalin R. Forray – Tamás Híves: The regional adaptation of the vocational training system The analysis of the network of vocational training includes the study of institutions, the kinds of training they offer and access to training in various vocations. Consequently, an area based analysis is required. The processes are also analysed in time, which adds new aspects to the investigation. Optimally the structure and network of vocations should follow the restructuring of society and economy, and should support and facilitate positive processes. While this has been so in certain areas in Hungary, in most of the country, where there is no prospective economic growth, the system and network of vocational training faces serious uncertainties. An important aspect is the relevant goals and priorities of the European Union, i.e. the criteria of the operation of structural funds as well as the efforts to develop human resources. The maps included help to visualise the situation of sub-regions in the country in terms of degrees of supply and development, or underdevelopment compared to dynamic areas. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 104. Number 2. 165-181. (2004) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Forray R. Katalin és Híves Tamás, Felsőoktatási Kutatóintézet, H–1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19–21. E-mail: forray@ella.hu ; hives@ella.hu |