Klára Tompa: Student Teachers and Information Technology in Hungary and Finland in 1991 Hungary and Finland are not on the same level of technological development, and the differences in technological environment and its utilization are present at school level and also in the field of teacher education. In order to compare the Hungarian and Finish case we carried out research in 1991, surveying 91 Hungarian and 92 Finish student teachers from the last grade of their studies. This study deals with the following questions: the computer environment student teachers have, previous school experiences with computer, the extent of information technology in teacher training, the purposes for which the computers are mainly used by student teachers, the general opinion of student teachers towards information technology, the feelings behind the opinions, the image student teachers have about their future concerning the use of information technology in schools. The results of the national efforts concerning the dissemination of information technology in education can be detected in a positive way. Student teachers have great expectations and feel responsibility towards information technology and its use in their future job. There is no crucial difference between Hungary and Finland (as a representative of the technologically more developed countries) concerning information technology in teacher education, however Hungary is a little step behind. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 91. Number 2. 105-130. (1991) English version of the manuscript can be obtained from the author. Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Tompa Klára, Országos Közoktatási Intézet, Értékelési Központ, H-1051 Budapest, Dorottya u. 8. |