Ton de Jong: Knowledge construction and sharing with media based applications Multimedia applications enable the realisation of didactical concepts such as inquiry learning, collaborative learning and situated learning. These didactical approaches are not novel in the sense that they have just emerged, but multimedia applications help to realise these approaches in new types of contexts. The design of such a multimedia application is a multifaceted endeavour. First, the processes and difficulties involved in inquiry, collaboration and knowledge application have to be identified so that measures that actually support learners in these learning processes can be created and incorporated in the application. Second, it means the recognition of personal, curricular and organisational requirements and constraints for the multimedia supported didactical innovations. This article presents examples from large (EC-sponsored) projects (SIMQUEST, KMQuest and Co-Lab) in which collaborative, situated, inquiry learning environments have been developed and evaluated and highlights design and implementation issues. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 102. Number 4. 445-457. (2002) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Ton de Jong, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Twente; PO Boksz 217, 7500 AE Enschende, The Netherlands. Tel.: (31) (53) 489 3613 / 3606 Fax: (31) (53) 489 2895 |