Heidemarie Kemnitz: Pedagogical architekture: possibilities for creating pedagogical spaces as shown by two examples In recent years, space in education has been considered as a metaphor of educational thinking, schools and classrooms as spaces for experience, learning and living. This paper analyses two German school buildings to examine the possibilities of translating educational ideas into architecture. The spatial structure of the school is a functional and intentional expression of pedagogical thinking. The historical determination of pedagogical space is also apparent, the major influences exerted by objectives of educational policy, economic resources and dominant aesthetic and architectural ideas. A technological dimension can also be detected. When considering implications for educational theory and teacher training, a pedagogical analysis of spatial structures cannot be used to determine the best spatial form. However, a proper analysis of space and its use, as well as the subsequent reflective perspective can lead to higher sensibility as regards different organisations of learning experiences. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 103. Number 1. 119-128. (2003) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: PD Dr. Heidemarie Kemnitz, D38106 Braunschweig, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Fachbereich für Geistes-und Erziehungswissenschaften, Institut für Schulpädagogik und Allgemeine Didaktik, Bienroder Weg 97. |