Conference formats
Submissions are welcome in three formats: symposium, paper and poster. Applying in all three categories is possible by electronically submitting the abstracts to the conference website. One participant may be a first author of no more than two presentations. In addition, one participant may act once as a chairperson of a symposium and once as a discussant. One paper (presented either at a symposium or a thematic session) or one poster may have no more than five authors.
Symposium sessions
Symposium sessions are organized and facilitated by a chairperson, who nominates the discussant, as well. A symposium is scheduled for ninety minutes and is comprised of three or four presentations, followed by the evaluation of the discussant and an open discussion with the audience. Symposium proposals, including the paper abstracts are submitted by the chair. The review results will be sent only to the chair of the symposium, who informs the presenters. Contributors of the symposia (chairpersons, discussants and presenting authors) should register for the conference before submission.
An abstract of the symposium is 2,000 to 3,000 characters long, provides information regarding its aims and relevance, as well as a brief description of the presentations. The summaries of the presentations of the symposium discuss the following features of the theoretical or empirical studies in details:
- (1) aims,
- (2) theoretical framework,
- (3) methodology (assessment tool, sample, data collection, methods of analysis),
- (4) results,
- (5) theoretical and educational significance of the research to be presented.
Thematic paper sessions
Papers are organized by the Scientific Program Committee into thematic sessions. These sessions are moderated by a chair appointed by the Committee. Paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes, with four or five presentations, followed by a discussion. The presenting author of the paper should register for the conference on its website before submission.
The summary of the paper discusses the following features of the theoretical or empirical study in details:
- (1) its aims,
- (2) theoretical framework,
- (3) methodology (assessment tool, sample, data collection, methods of analysis),
- (4) results,
- (5) theoretical and educational significance of the research to be presented.
Poster sessions
Posters can be presented in sessions organized by the Scientific Program Committee. These sessions are moderated by a chairperson appointed by the Committee. The presenting author (in case of multiple authors, each author) of the poster should register for the conference on its website before submission.
The summary of the poster discusses the following features of the theoretical or empirical work in details:
- (1) its aims,
- (2) theoretical framework,
- (3) methodology (assessment tool, sample, data collection, methods of analysis),
- (4) results,
- (5) theoretical and educational significance of the research to be presented.
Abstract guidelines
The Scientific Program Committee invites proposals for symposia, paper presentations and posters. Abstracts are published in the conference book of abstracts only if the author has paid the conference fees by the given deadline. For conference proposals submitted in English, please use characters of only the English alphabet. Please note that the information you submit will be published exactly as it was submitted. No editing will take place by the conference organizers.
The abstract is a short summary of the material you wish to present (2,000 to 3,000 characters including spaces). The proposals will be reviewed by two independent reviewers appointed by the Scientific Program Committee, following the review criteria.
Suggestions for preparing the abstract
- The abstract is the basis of the review process, therefore, it addresses the reviewer, containing all the significant details of the study.
- It contains only the most necessary in-text citations.
- It does not include references.
- The abstract should not contain any information that would identify its author (e.g. self-citation, author’s name, affiliation). Abstracts containing such information are rejected by the Scientific Program Committee, and there is no possibility to re-submit them.
Submission guidelines
In order to submit a proposal, you should log in to the conference site using the e-mail address and password with which the registration for the conference took place. Once logged in, you can upload your proposal under the “Submissions” menu.
When submitting your proposal, you will be asked to specify the followings separately:
- (1) the title of the presentation;
- (2) the name of the author(s), their e-mail address and affiliation;
- (3) 2 or 3 keywords which best describe the topic of the proposal;
- (4) the abstract;
- (5) the type of the paper/poster (empirical or theoretical).
- (6) If needed, you may name the grant funding your research (e.g. the name of the project, funding text), organization –this the reviewers do not see.
Short programme
The short programme for the CEA 2024 is now available. We welcome everyone to the conference.
2024-03-26 10:00:00
Notification of acceptance
Ther review process has finished. After logging in to the website authors will have access to the results from 15th February.
2024-02-15 00:00:01
Deadline extended
The deadline for proposal submission has been extended till Friday, 26 January, 24:00 CET.
2024-01-23 08:00:00