Founder of the Conference: Csapó, Benő (University of Szeged) †
Scientific Programme Committee
- Csíkos, Csaba (University of Szeged)
- Józsa, Krisztián (University of Szeged)
- Kasik, László (University of Szeged)
- Kinyó, László (University of Szeged)
- Molnár, Gyöngyvér (University of Szeged)
- Steklács, János (University of Pécs)
- Zsolnai, Anikó (Eötvös Loránd University)
- Habók, Anita (University of Szeged, Chair of the Conference)
- Bónus, Lilla (University of Szeged, Secretary of the Conference)
- Nagy, Márió Tibor (University of Szeged, Secretary of the Conference)
Organizing Committee
- Betyár, Gábor
- Börcsökné Soós, Edit
- Halof, Ferenc
- Kléner, Judit
- Mesterháziné Túri, Diána
- Molnár, Katalin
Short programme
The short programme for the CEA 2024 is now available. We welcome everyone to the conference.
2024-03-26 10:00:00
Notification of acceptance
Ther review process has finished. After logging in to the website authors will have access to the results from 15th February.
2024-02-15 00:00:01
Deadline extended
The deadline for proposal submission has been extended till Friday, 26 January, 24:00 CET.
2024-01-23 08:00:00