Submission of proposals
The Scientific Programme Committee invites proposals for symposia, paper presentations and posters.
Proposals can be submitted through the conference website either in English or in Hungarian. Please note that the information you submit will be published exactly as it was submitted. No editing will take place by the conference organizers. In conference proposals submitted in English please use only characters of the English alphabet.
Deadline for submission of proposals 31st January 2015.
Individual proposals for Paper
You will need to submit the following through the conference website:
An abstract of 2000-3000 characters, detailing the aims, methodology, findings, and theoretical and educational significance of the research.
Full contact information, including e-mail address and affiliation, for each of the authors involved.
Individual proposals for Poster
You will need to submit the following through the conference website:
An abstract of 2000-3000 characters, detailing the aims, methodology, findings, and theoretical and educational significance of the research.
Full contact information, including e-mail address and affiliation, for each of the authors involved.
Proposals for Symposia
You will need to submit the following through the conference website:
An abstract of the symposium of 2000-3000 characters that should provide information regarding the aims of the symposium and its scientific and educational relevance.
The title of the symposium, the title of each presentation with the name and affiliation of each author, the name of the chair, and the name of the discussants.
Full contact information, including email address and affiliation for each of the participants, including the chairperson and the discussant.
A 2000-3000 character abstract for each individual presentation, detailing the aims, methodology/research design, findings, and theoretical and educational significance of the research. This means that if a symposium consists of four individual presentations, each symposium participant should prepare a 2000-3000 character abstract, making a total of four abstracts (max. 12000 characters).